Fully Human

a poetic journey

Fully Human” is a 5-week poetry workshop, that will bring you closer to your art, closer to yourself, closer to the world.

“To live as an artist is a way of being in the world. A way of perceiving. Refining our sensitivity to tune in to the more subtle notes” (Rick Rubin)

What are you signing up for?

A transformative and intimate 5-week poetry workshop.

We meet online (on Zoom) once a week for 2 hours.

Currently, no more workshops are running as I’m taking a sabbatical.

Each of the 5 sessions is centered around something that makes us human. We’ll work with the body, with the emotions, with the unknown, with the words, with the world.

This is not your usual poetry writing workshop. You will not only be writing heart-centered, powerful poems, but you will also get some new lenses through which to look at the world.

This workshop at times might feel unfamiliar, uncomfortable, different. But it will change how you write, how you approach poetry, how you observe what’s going on around and inside you. And I’ll be there to guide you all the way through.

I believe there are many ways to arrive at Creativity. If we see it as a temple, we have different paths to get there. In “Fully Human”, we’ll be going on some of them to collect words, styles, and techniques to grow as artists and poets.

Words & Feelings from those who were part of it

the 5 sessions

  1. The Body

    • physical practices inspired by somatic work and dance

    • using the body to get in touch with our creativity

  2. The Feelings

    • journaling exercises to tune into our deepest feelings

    • using metaphors and images to give shape to our feelings

  3. The Mind

    • stream of consciousness

    • working with dreams

  4. The World

    • learning to observe and listen

    • the practice of awe

  5. The Artist

    • putting everything together

session structure

  • The opening question that invites reflection

  • Practices related to each topic

  • Writing exercise (including, at times, a meditation)

  • Sharing & feedback

  • Poem reading from a famous author

  • Q&A and homework

  • Connect to poetry and poetry writing on a completely different level

  • Break the barriers of your style

  • Explore new ways of writing and of taking notice of what’s around and inside

  • Discover new writing techniques and new ways to look at the world, at yourself, at others

  • Connect to other poets and have inspiring conversations

purpose of the workshop


  • We can record it for you!

  • Your weekly time commitment is 2 hours for the workshop. Yes, there will be homework but it’s not mandatory.

  • Yours truly, Ioana. Poet, spoken word artist and learning facilitator. You can learn more about me in the About section.

  • Yes, if you ask for a refund 5 days before the workshop starts.

If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a message or an email!