Chapter Eight

a poetry collection, a story, a spiral

Chapter Eight

my poetry collection in PDF

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Life is not linear. Experience showed me it is rather a spiral: from darkness to light, then darkness again. But mostly we have the in-betweens.

This book is a spiral too. Inspired by the shamanic culture, you’ll go to 

Below (The Darkness, The Unconscious, The Underworld - pain, regrets, the heavy stuff),

Center (The Earthly Matters, The Conscious, The Middleworld - romance, the beauty in the mundane),

Above (The Light, The Universal Consciousness, Upperworld - concepts, truths).

It is my attempt at ‘making the darkness conscious’, as Jung says.

More than a poetry book, Chapter Eight is a story. Throughout my life, stories saved me many times. So I wanted to create one that has the power to save too. To heal. This is the first one. A story of breaking, loving, and living. 

Some poems have recordings - the ones with * in their titles (check Table of Poems). I’d love for you to give them a listen!

Lastly, through the book, you’ll find some reflection questions. Take them or leave them. Come back to them or forget about them. It’s up to you. Perhaps one will inspire you to write.

And now, this is how the story goes…

Chapter Eight

my poetry collection in PDF

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Chapter Eight starts with you. ♥